Saturday, March 29, 2008

A world of hip hop honeys

They have been given a label. All of these video vixens, with the title hip hop video model. I mean yes they are in rap music videos, and if someone was thinking from the old way, they would be assuming, the main model would be a sexy black girl.That was how the thought of a rap video girl was. Although you will still see a beautiful black booty, even in a uncut rap video.The music video industry has revolved. It is no longer just about a black stripper, black sex, a black porn star, and money anymore. Hip Hop Honeys are world wide now.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Justene Jaro

From the Hip Hop Honeys Crew! I got a new honey for you . It’s my pleasure to introduce my new favorite Asian flavored hip hop honeys babe - Justene Jaro. When I found this honey… my God I had to click and find out more.

Puerto Rican + 1/2 Filipina = Perfection
Hip Hop Honey’s Hot Deals!!!